Tu t’enfuis
Le temps fuit
Tue le temps.
Je meurs un peu chaque jour où je vis.

That’s a fact. Business like. Buy me
Now. Reduced price. Built in obsolescence.
Recycling guaranteed. Ashes to ashes
You burn me like wild fire.
They say it’s good for the next crop.
I’m scorched and scrached and sore
Your storm left me stranded, swell victim
How I love it, being torn apart high on a rock
Just because you left
For this other goddamned forsaken island downwind
Under bare poles.
Down time for me. Deep down
I am the earth. Tread on me please. Get off that cloud
So I know I exist..
I am the land. Own me, harvest me, leave me
Bare as a newborn to die with my bones.
Weigh my body, weigh my corpse.
This is what you’re doing on your evil days
When I try to escape flying, you break my wings
So I tumble and fall into a bottomless
Black hole till you hook me on a whim
For your meat grinding heart.
Man ! do I love your atom bomb

Pascal Legrand

Visiteurs : 246

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